13 PhD Fellowships at the Faculty of Humanities
* Scandinavian studies in literature, language or media, or ideally across the boundaries of these areas (Subject area 1: Nordic Philology, General and Applied Linguistics)
* IT and communication (Subject area 2: Education, Philosophy and Rhetoric, Film and Media Studies)
* Themes within European culture and history in a global context (Subject area 3: History, Archaeology and Ethnology, Greek and Latin)
* Cultural memory and migration: The construction of nation, religion and history as rendered through exhibition, writing, canon, schoolbooks or other media (Subject area 4: Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies, Eskimology, History of Religion, native American Languages and Cultures, Eastern European Studies, Minority Studies, Comparative Cultural Studies)
* Globalization and transnational studies (Subject area 5: English, German and Romance Languages and Literature)
* Forms of cultural attention (Subject area 6: History, Theatre Research, Dance, Comparative Literature, Musicology)
* Medieval and/or early-modern Scandinavian textual studies (Subject area 7: Old Norse, Dialect Research, name Research)
* Language technology, preferably within the strategic fields: language resources and tools (research infrastructure), cognitive science, knowledge systems and tools for multilinguality (Subject area 8: Language Technology)
* Application procedure
Scandinavian studies in literature, language or media, or ideally across the boundaries of these areas
A number of PhD scholarships will be announced within the field of Scandinavian studies in literature, language or media, or ideally across the boundaries of these areas. Project applications should include a significant comparative dimension, and hence, on the basis of Danish, focus on language and cultural forms in one or more of the other Scandinavian countries. The scholarships will be established as an element in the promotion of comparative Scandinavian Studies at the Department of Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics.
For more information, please contact associate professor Sune Auken, phone: + 45 35 32 83 59. Website: here
The research group concerning Digital Communication and Aesthetics focuses on new forms of communication and aesthetic expression in the digital media, for example:
The remediation of 'old' media, e.g., the interrelations between television programs and the websites associated with them, digital production and distribution of film, and marketing via the internet;
The distinctive features of 'new' media, e.g., computer games and social network sites;
The potential of 'emerging' media, e.g., mobile services, ubiquitous computing, and intelligent environments.
For more information, please contact Head of Department Jan Riis Flor, phone: + 45 35 23 88 53. Website: here Til toppen
Themes within European culture and history in a global context
One or more PhD scholarships dealing with themes within European culture and history in a global context. Projects should preferably fall within the SAXO Institute’s prioritized research areas:
1. Forms of state and power, social elites and elite cultures;
2. Europe’s modern and recent political history and political culture;
3. Material culture and history;
4. Bodily culture and the history of the body;
5. Culture and history in European border regions and in Europe’s periphery –
cultural encounters and ethnicity.
Within these scholarly domains the Institute boasts a number of experienced supervisors from Ethnology, Archaeology, History, and Greek and Latin, and offers well-functioning research environments and collaborative research networks.
For more information, please contact associate professor Søren Ivarsson, phone: + 45 35 32 82 93. Website: here
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Cultural memory and migration: The construction of nation, religion and history as rendered through exhibition, writing, canon, schoolbooks or other media
Applicants are invited to submit proposals for PhD scholarships within the area of "Cultural Memory and Migration: The Construction of Nation, Religion and History as rendered through Exhibitions, Writing, Canon,Schoolbooks or other Media". The area can be viewed from any region covered at the Department. Priority is given to proposals, which has an intercultural dimension. It is expected that the applicant has a thorough knowledge of a language relevant for his/her topic.
For more information, please contact professor Jørgen Bæk Simonsen, phone: + 45 35 32 89 09. Website: here Til toppen
Globalization and transnational studies
Applicants are invited to submit proposals for a PhD scholarship within the area of 'Globalization and Transnational studies'. Preference will be given to proposals that fall within the designated research fields of the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies: European Studies, American and Latin American Studies, and Post-colonial Studies. Doctoral proposals should address a topic within linguistics or literature or history/culture; or they may devise a topic that involves more than one of these fields. Priority will be given to prososals that develop a transnational perspective and are focussed on two or more languages.
For more information, please contact associate professor Birgit Henriksen, phone: + 45 35 32 86 07. Website: here Til toppen
Forms of cultural attention
Applications are invited for one or more Ph.D.-scolarships within the research theme Forms of Cultural Attention: In modern information society attention has become a cultural focal point. This applies to visibility sought in quiz and reality shows, on blogs, and by communication consultants. And it applies to unwanted visibility created through electronic surveillance, bugging, and surveys. These forms of attention expose the individual to the gaze of others and differ from attention given to a citizen stating his or hers views in the public and for a political community.
Projects within the research theme should theoretically and analytically investigate how forms of culture shape and comment upon collective attention across frontiers and historical periods. In general projects should contribute to the understanding of how forms of cultural attention focus certain aspects of the world and leave others unattended. Specifically, projects should contribute to the understanding of how artistic practices in the present and in historical perspective have shaped and commented upon cultural attention.
For more information, please contact Research School Manager Kirsten Zeuthen, phone: +45 35 32 82 11. Website: here Til toppen
Medieval and/or early-modern Scandinavian textual studies
Applications are invited for PhD Fellowships within the field of Medieval and/or early-modern Scandinavian textual studies. This includes the sociology of texts, textual criticism, scholarly editing and bibliography. The project must involve both theoretical discussion and concrete editorial work, e.g. the production of an electronic edition of one or more texts. Preference will be given to projects which relate to the institute’s established and developing research areas, for example the study of the manuscripts in the Arnamagnæan collection and the study of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda.
For more information, please contact associate professor Inge Lise Pedersen, phone: +45 35 32 85 09. Website:here Til toppen
Language technology, preferably within the strategic fields: language resources and tools (research infrastructure), cognitive science, knowledge systems and tools for multilinguality
At CST we investigate methods and tools for creation, annotation and exploitation of language resources, in particular for Danish, but also for other languages. In the field of cognitive science we focus on multimodality and within knowledge systems we are investigating ontologies and their contribution to intelligent search algorithms. Multilinguality at CST concerns e.g. statistical machine translation (SMT) and methods for searching multilingual websites
For more information, please contact senior researcher Bolette Pedersen, phone: +45 35 32 90 78. Website: here
Application procdure
Applicants need to hold a two-year Master's degree (120 ECTS) or the equivalent, or expect to receive such by 31 August, 2009. Applicants shall have submitted their thesis at the time of application, to the extent the thesis forms part of their Master's programme.
Applicants with a non-Danish Master’s degree will have their degree assessed by CIRIUS to establish, if their Master’s degree of the applicant is equivalent to a Danish Master’s degree. More information about CIRIUS is available at: here
Employment as a PhD fellow occurs pursuant to the applicable rules of the Faculty of Humanities, as well as between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). Under this agreement, the PhD fellow is obliged – without further remuneration – to carry out allotted work to an extent corresponding to a total of 840 working hours in the case of a three-year contract. Enrolment as a PhD student at the Faculty of Humanities’ Graduate School is a precondition for employment as a PhD fellow. A description of the PhD study programme is available at: see
Applications must be submitted on the appropriate form, which also stipulates the required enclosures to attach. Do not submit any written work. Application form and application guidelines are available at: see
A certified copy of the applicant’s Master’s Degree diploma needs to be submitted as an enclosure to the application. Certification shall be by a public authority such as the institution having issued the diploma or a public bureau specialising in diploma certification. The applicant may be asked to submit the originally certified copy of the Master’s Degree diploma after the application deadline.
The application including all enclosures is to be submitted as a single pdf-file to phdcenter@hum.ku.dk. Please write “PhD Fellowship 20090209” in the subject area of the email.
Application deadline is 9 February, 2009 at 12 noon Central European time. No supplementary documents will be considered after this deadline.
As an equal opportunity employer, the Faculty of Humanities invites applications from all interested candidates regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin or religion.
For any further questions contact the PhD Centre, tel. +45 35 32 92 23, e-mail: phdcenter@hum.ku.dk, Room 10.1.22, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.Til toppen
Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen
Saturday, December 6, 2008
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